Tuesday, June 19, 2007


One day I'll leave and never return. Well, at least for a long while.

But I wonder if I'm able to do that.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wow man

This post is so legendary. But I feel like I have normalise it to become an ordinary fairy tale.

They have always been so huge a personality, I feel as if I don't have enough of what it takes. Afterall, I have always known me as me. And it's not everyday you get to be the star. Looking up to the others, thinking how capable and lucky they are and finally being it. I guess reality still hasn't quite sunk in. I still feel very ordinary, very plain.

I doubt this whole thing won't sink in very soon. But I hope it does. So that I can get a feel of how huge my responsibilty actually is.

Here's to being the President of the largest PDP in TJ.

Wish me luck !

P.S. And as much as this whole thing seem to be like a fairy tale, I'm still hoping very hard it will definitely end with a conventional conclusion of Happily Ever After.

The Cold Helps A Bit

The June afternoon is so cold, it's as if Winter visited and Summer is no more.

I desperately need to break out of this cycle and travel. I wished so badly I'm in Paris right now.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Fuck. I'm just gonna screw this damned JCTs and get killed and hated. Then I'll hate the whole world again.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I'm sorry I can't make up for enough.

I hate to say sorry.

Can anybody tell I'm trying ?