Sunday, July 30, 2006


Who am I ?

A shadow quietly weaving through this world. A shadow desperately trying to fight against the dimming sky.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

It Awaits Me

As times get tough, I try to keep myself on track. I remind myself my very purpose of existence. To live for myself and not anyone else.

Living in this city is not easy. It is as if there is no breathing space for me. Slowly and seemingly surely, I suffocate to death. I live in death and die in life. There are no second chances. There is no room for mistakes. The feeling of damnation is so strong, I've lost the will to fight on.

I will only follow his footsteps, and his alone. To work hard and leave this sorrowful place. To live a life I govern. To live my dream. Before all bubbles of aspirations are burst and my every hope of the world vanished, I will continue trudging. It's not the dead end yet and I still look forward to that day. That day when I'm free. When I truly become an epitome of life. When passion flows in my blood and oozes from deep within to touch others.

Right now, I survive in escapism. I'm struggling to keep afloat and eager to break free.

From the instant we're born, our clocks toward death start ticking. The thought of ending it lingers on. But I promise to keep my composure. I will live to see the sun rise from the East and set into the West. I'll live to see the clouds roll by and the moon reside in the night sky. I'll live to witness wonders.

The World beckons.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Fridays Call For a Celebration

It's Friday again =) And I love Fridays. My favourite day of the week. It signifies the beginning of the weekends ! I'm always happy on Fridays. This photogaph is to celebrate Friday, today.